понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Today as I was walking to buy milk and eggs from Eddieapos;s, I heard a car starting in a parking space on St. Paul.� It occurred to me that it has been a very long time since I heard that sound (probably not since mid-August).� I hear cars running all the time, sure, and I am in a car at least twice a week (note:�I am never driving it).� But all those cars are already up and running by the time they reach me.� It was odd; when I heard the car start, for a split second I didnapos;t recognize the sound.� Anyway, just a weird little thing I noticed.
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This weekend my wife and I went to the Tri-Cities area of Washington to spend the weekend with her father. It was his birthday this weekend and it was a good excuse to bring Eamon over there and see that side of the family. While there, we got a free night of babysitting and thus we went out for dinner and a movie. Against my recommendation, my wife insisted that we watch a scary movie, Quarantine. The last couple scary movies we watched together (Red Dragon, The Blair Witch Project) gave her recurring nightmares and poor sleep for a while. I didnapos;t want that to happen again, sleep is such a precious commodity when one is a parent.

We saw it, and it was of course quite frightening. A bit more story to it than your average slasher film, and a good scary feel to it rather than just gorefest. Plenty of room for follow up movies/story lines. Thankfully this scary movie, while it generated plenty of good face hiding and shaking for my wife in the theater (and scrunching up into my arms) it did not result in any nightmares or loss of sleep. However she claims that sheapos;s done with scary movies, for good. Weapos;ll see (:

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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�Today, and yesterday, I realized a couple things:�1. Iapos;ve matured a lot. And 2. My life has gotten somewhat better. Shocker?�Same, same. Alright, yeah, Iapos;ve matured a lot. I donapos;t know how, but I�am. I still have that obnoxious laugh and loud voice to keep it upbeat, but, you know, I quite frankly think that Iapos;ve grown up a lot. I canapos;t explain it - thereapos;s a lot that I canapos;t explain. But, itapos;s true. Okay, my life has gotten somewhat better?�yeah, my mom and I are getting along, kind of. And, really, Iapos;m trying and so are my friends trying to make an effort (although I feel somewhat ignored). Well, that always happens. I always think my friends have this thing against me and I wish I knew. So much. I know something is wrong. How can it not be?�I know, I should be positive, but this is true. It really is... -sigh.�

The best things in life are unseen. Thatapos;s why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry and dream.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;ve decided to update...
Stephanie had surgery this past week, she had arnold chairi malformation. Google it when you get a chance. So I have been super busy between working, and going to the hospital...she is doing really well though, she is finally out of the hospital, and has a big old cut in the back of her head.

I got a big inheritance from a family member in Canada that I never met before..I donapos;t know what to even say...

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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His silence, is deafening. Has he found out? i donapos;t know. But I hope his distance does not measure up to forever. Every beat of his note, makes me ponder with a tinge of shyness. I love this feeling, and even if he doesnapos;t reciprocate, itapos;s fine with me. I donapos;t expect anything, just let this little heart of mine flutter in peace. No barriers, nobody to stop.

Iapos;m like a cripple, I cannot stand nor walk in his world. Letapos;s pray he does not turn back, if he does, weapos;ll be back to square 1, in which the beginning is as if the ending, and the pain comes all over again. I want it all, or nothing at all. Itapos;s now or never. Donapos;t make me wait in vain. Tell me, slash my heart. Right now. At least Iapos;ll tear, but I know it wouldnapos;t last me a lifetime.

HI. In darlingapos;s house. While sheapos;s pigging out on her really small (smells like my bed) and comfortable nest. LOL. She looks like a hamster curled in a ball la. Damn cute. I feel like kicking her *oops violent streak for cuteness. Actually without that stupid rubber pad, i type like a million times faster. OOPS sowie darling, shall put it back now. (puts rubber thing back). Okay now I shall continue with my snail pace and sometimes cannot even type out a certain alphabet mode. LOL =) okayy.

feeling quite effed up now. I donapos;t know why, or rather. I know why but itapos;s a secret. ;) but. Sighhhhh XD

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Close your eyes,
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lullabyapos;s fill your room,
and i will be singing
singing to only you.
donapos;t forget Iapos;ll hold your head
watch the night sky fading red
In the car, the radio leaves me
searching for your star
a constellation of
frustration driving hard
singing my thoughts back to me,
and watching heartache on TV.
But as you sleep,
and no one is listening
I will lift you off your feet,
ill keep you from sinking
donapos;t you wake up yet,
cause soon Iapos;ll be leaving you,
but you wonapos;t be leaving me.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I bought my ticket for going to Merida in December. I was planning to be there for a couple of weeks, but I decided at the last minute to be there for almost a month. This will be the longest stay in Merida since the summer of 2004. I know it's gonna be complicated because... Well... I don't have a GF in Merida anymore, but then again the one I "had" was never there, so that won't make a big difference. At least there's a Starbucks now within walking distance from my mom's, and I still have the Jeep. I really need to be a more present part in the lives of my nephews and niece, so I need to be there for more than a few days. I hope I have plenty of chances to hang out with Manuel and visit Pedro's office. Oh, and being there on the week of 12/15 also gives me time to go to the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Yucatan and work on the research project I have going on there with Professor Arcudia and Romel Solis. There's no point in staying here in the Burg during the lonely and cold break.

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